We also accept consultations and requests for exterior wall painting. It is said that it is necessary to repaint because it is over 10 years old, but is it really necessary? There are many things that you don’t know, such as what to consult and where to consult, and what to base your decision on. Leaving the outer walls and caulking moss and cracks, and warping due to flooding, can lead to major problems such as leaks, creaking of the floor due to the accumulation of moisture in the foundation of the house, and damage to termites.
In addition, as the movement toward zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is accelerating, the insulation of houses has become an urgent issue. By making your home airtight and highly insulated, you can reduce heating and cooling costs, reduce the temperature difference between room temperatures depending on the direction of the room, and increase comfort. External insulation is often not used in Japanese housing, but the best time to consider painting the exterior walls is the best time to install it. We think there are some unclear points and concerns, such as “Can my house be insulated?” And “How much does it cost?”
Our senior registered architect who actually lives in a highly insulated house will carefully consult with you,
so please feel free to check the condition and consult with us for a quote.